Sunday, May 30, 2010

Pictures! And Being a Tourist

Thursday morning I made sure to get down to Herr Redder. It didn't turn in to "Get on the phone or I'll pour sauerkraut all over your suit," sadly, because he was wearing a sportscoat. So it turned in to more of a "You know, it's very very frustrating that I'm paying for internet twice since I paid for this and now have to pay for internet cafes too. So I'm hoping we can get this fixed right now." Alright, completely different, but 5 minutes later it was fixed.

Thursday I had the day off. Steffen had a conference to go to and people to tend to, so Andreas, Matthias, and I did touristy things. At 4, we met up to go to the Hamburger Bahnhof. Now I was initially confused because this means Hamburg Trainstation. Turns out it was a trainstation that was necessary due to the Berlin Wall, but after the Wall came down, they built a new Hauptbahnhof (main trainstation) and turned this one in to a museum. Inside were models of ... bugs. And vases. And just weird art. Ugh. 3 engineers going to an art museum just turned in to us mocking everything we saw. Afterwards they showed me the German Reichstag (parliament), the Brandenburg Gate, the Memorial to murdered European Jews, the AMERICAN EMBASSY, and Unter den Linden, which contains the famous Hotel Adlon, where among other things, Michael Jackson famously held the baby out the window. After that we headed to a museum dealing with Islamic art and history. It was more interesting than the art, but still eh.

Friday I was back at work titrating samples. I also helped find errors in data that the computer wouldn't detect and did it pretty quickly, so Steffen was impressed. Friday night a bunch of us from the apartments went out to dinner because Nadia was leaving tomorrow to go home. We went to an Indian place which wasn't too bad. I met a Bulgarian girl, a Spanish girl, a Turkish guy, and a Swedish guy, so that was all interesting.

Saturday I met up with Andreas and Matthias to do more touristy things. First we went to the Spandau Citadel, which was a big fortress located in the Spandau part of the city, almost on the border of the city with Brandenburg. Spandau used to be its own deal but it was absorbed into Berlin a long time ago. It was a neat place, the museum was actually something I was interested in since it was military history, so that was much better than art or Islamic guys chipping a piece of marble in to a lion.

Afterwards they took me to Potsdamer Platz, the famous city square. It was so cool, a very busy place that had so many glass buildings. I also found out I really like glass buildings, I mean I knew I liked them but I like them more than I thought. It still kind of blows my mind that the square was completely desolate for so many years since the Berlin Wall cut right through the center of the square.

Sunday I am just hanging around, doing laundry, went and paid my rent, nothing exciting. What IS exciting: Pictures. Overall in these albums are about 450 pictures you can sift through. In the future it won't be such a pile-on, but this was the first real opportunity I had to get pictures up.

1: Arrival/Around Town
2: Karneval der Kulturen
3: Museums/Brandenburger Tor
4: Spandau/Potsdamer Platz

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